Merchant back office


This guide is intended for employees of companies, which sell goods, services, or perform certain works and plan to receive payments by credit card or other payment methods. The guide describes the functionality of the Mobilum hardware and software system (HSS), as well as how to track financial flow in payment management system (PMS) of Mobilum.

Terms and Definitions

For the purposes of this guide, the following terms and their definitions are used:
Mobilum Hardware and Software System (Mobilum HSS)- an information system designed for automated and secure processing of payment transactions and their storage.
Mobilum Payment Management System (Mobilum PMS) - payment management user interface and analytical platform of Mobilum HSS.
Merchant - the company that provides services, works or sales of goods through the E-commerce, mobile commerce or mPOS channels.
Account - identification data in the Mobilum PMS, which allows the user to interact with the system on their own behalf.
Transaction - an agreement to carry out a financial operation between a customer and the merchant to pay for services, work or goods, to return funds for previously paid services, works or goods, to transfer money from card to card, or to hold funds for future payment.
Antifraud filter - technical transaction analysis algorithm for identifying suspicious and fraudulent transactions, based on the experience of Mobilum employees and international fraud monitoring practices.
BIN - bank identification number, first 6 digits of card number.

First login to Mobilum PMS

Merchant employees can browse transactions and download various reports via Mobilum PMS. Mobilum PMS is available at: Upon initial access to Mobilum PMS, after logging in, the merchant employee will be asked to create and enter a new password.

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The password must contain at least one number, at least one letter and be at least 8 characters.


It is very important that the password does not consist of meaningful linguistic structures. For security reasons it is strongly recommended to use random alphanumeric values and regularly change the password.


Transaction monitor is available at the top of the page for general statistics:

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Turnover: the sum of all successful sale, capture, reversal (refund) and transfer operations;
Declined, filtered and verify: the number of operations of the aforementioned types with the corresponding status;
Chargebacks: the number and amount of successful chargeback and prearbitration operations;
Frauds: the number and amount of successful fraud operations;
Reversals: the number and amount of successful reversal and void operations;
Disputes: the number and amount of successful dispute, chargeback_reversal and arbitration operations.

It can be used to review analytics on various payment methods by clicking the pointers on the right side of the blocks:
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To change the range of statistics, use the switches:

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Set the desired date range in the pop-up calendar:

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Data for graphs can be sorted using the Criteria: button:

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Currencies, payment methods, as well as endpoints, projects and other data can be specified for analysis. Here is the example of the payment method selection to construct the chart

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Ratio of successful transactions which were rejected or filtered by the system is displayed in the following graph:

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The following graphs can be also selected by pressing the v button: the ratio by volume of transactions or by amount of payments, as well as by type of transactions. Mobilum HSS also displays statistics on turnover, card to card transfers, negative activity and earnings.
Required time period is set by schedule switch (day, week, month):
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Type of chart (amount, quantity, all) can be changed using the button:
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Successful Transaction Analytics
The graph shows the proportions between successful, declined and filtered transactions for a selected period of time.
Mobilum HSS also displays statistics per card payment system, per currency, as well as per payment method.
Successful Transaction Analytics for the specified period are displayed as follows:
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Country Transaction Analytics
Overview of analytics by country displays two types of regional statistics: based on customer IP addresses and on card BINs.
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Analysis of transaction decline reasons
This statistics screen can be used for a visual assessment of the most frequent decline reasons, as well as chargeback and fraud reasons.
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Customizable search criteria can be saved as a template for future use:
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Frequently used functions can be accessed at the bottom of this page:

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This block also displays current statistics on the status of transactions:

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To browse transactions with the selected status, click on the Show button:

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Transaction statuses and types

Mobilum processing platform divides all transactions into several types, depending on the purpose of each transaction. Each transaction has a specific status.

sale acceptance of payment for provided goods or services in a single operation;
preauth blocking of a fixed amount of money on the card for the subsequent withdrawal (financial pledge). The cardholder will not be able to use the held funds, however, this money will not be withdrawn from the bank account until a subsequent request (capture) is received from the merchant. After a certain period of time, if a follow-up request is not received from the merchant, the holding of this funds amount is cancelled and it will become available for use again;
capture Withdrawal of the previously held by “preauth” transaction funds from the cardholder bank account;
cancel Cancellation of fund holding by “preauth” transaction;
reversal a refund operation for previously approved transaction (“sale” or “preauth” followed by “capture”). For example, a cancellation of an order by the customer, or a partial return of goods to the store;
transfer Peer-to-peer (p2p) transfer transaction between 2 cards. This transaction can be split into 2 steps in some cases - card2account and deposit2card;
chargeback Forced refund operation initiated by the cardholder, or the issuing bank, in case of fraud;
dispute Objection to the previously executed chargeback (the issuing bank initiated an investigation procedure regarding the cardholder’s complaint about the payment made);
fraud Special marker for fraudulent transactions;
retrieval Request of additional documents for disputed or suspicious payment. Documents can be requested from the merchant or from their agent (service provider).

All transactions are marked according to their statuses:

a Approved transaction - the transaction was processed by the acquirer successfully (payment was made as part of the transaction);
b Declined transaction - for any technical reason the acquirer cannot process the transaction. For example, this may be caused by insufficient funds on the customer card or account;
c Filtered transaction - the transaction was filtered by Mobilum HSS and was not processed.
d Error - processing of transaction failed. A second attempt can be made to process the transaction. If the error occurs again, contact the Mobilum support service.
k Unknown - HSS failed to get final transaction status. Contact the Mobilum support service to clarify the transaction status.
r Failed - system’s internal status. It means there are no available settings to route transaction in the system due to filter restrictions.
Detailed explanation of transaction statuses can be found on the following page: Statuses.


The “Orders” screen displays information on all transactions processed by Mobilum.

Transactions view and download of transaction reports

By default, transactions in the back office are displayed as follows:
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Transactions can be presented in a brief Brief or Detailed view. This can be switched with the following button:
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In detailed form, the transactions will be displayed as follows:
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The number of transactions displayed on one page can be changed with the buttons in the “Rows” column:
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The Date button performs sorting by date. By default the latest transactions will be displayed on top.
To download the sorted transactions, click one of the following buttons: e - download to Excel format and f - download to CSV format.
An additional menu is used to manage export fields:
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In the pop-up window, select necessary data and save the list:
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Order details screen

Order details screen is opened by сlicking on the transaction.
First six and the last four digits of the card number, card expiration date and cardholder name are displayed on the card.
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There is also information about country, bank, card type and the payment system of the card.
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Next to the sender and receiver cards are buttons to add cards to Black, white and loyalty lists.
Cardholder data sent by the merchant in the initial request:
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Clicking on the lines highlighted in color initiates a search for all transactions by a selected criterion.
Transaction details:
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All transactions within the order are grouped and the commission for each operation is calculated:
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This screen has the functionality to leave notes. For example, notes for transaction documents, customer contacts, or any other information related to this transaction.
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Current transaction status can be seen in the upper right part of order screen:
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General information on operations associated with provided customer data is displayed in the top panel.
The total amount of all transactions made by the specified cardholder and the number of approved/declined/filtered/etc transactions:
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The total amount of transactions and the number of approved/declined/filtered/etc transactions with the specified E-mail:
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The total amount of transactions and the number of approved/declined/filtered/etc transactions with the specified IP address:
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The total amount of transactions and the number of approved/declined/filtered/etc transactions with the specified card number (PAN):
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Making customer refunds in merchant back office

If the order is successfully finalized, the merchant can return the money to the customer, on their request, for instance. To start a refund (reversal) operation to the customer card, go to the details of the desired order. On the order details page, click the Reverse order button.

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The dialog box will open like presented below:

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In this dialog box specify the amount of reversal. It can be the entire amount of the order, or only a part of it for cases where the merchant refunds payment for certain goods that are part of one order. In the Comment field a description of this refund can be added.


Merchants must be extremely careful when making a refund on the order! Refund requests are immediately sent to the bank and it will not be possible to cancel this transaction from the Mobilum system afterwards.

Recurring payments

The screen is located in the “Orders” section.
This screen displays recurring payments (for example, subscriptions).
Basic search is performed by date and exact criteria:
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The Criteria button contains additional search parameters:

Recurrence status
Allows to select the specified repetition status of the recurring transaction:
Failed – unsuccessful attempt;
Scheduled – planned attempt;
Stopped – currently paused or finished attempt.
Recurrence type
Allows to select the specified repetition type of the recurring transaction:
Manual – recurring payments are initiated manually;
Auto – recurring payments are initiated automatically in accordance with the set schedule;
Native- recurring payments use special integration with the acquiring bank.
Allows to select the specific endpoint if there are several endpoints available.
Allows to select the specified project if there are several projects available.
Select one or more search criteria and click Search to find the needed transactions.
Customizable search criteria can be saved as a template for future use:
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Mobilum has several reporting formats for cashflow and performance view, reconciliation and usage in external systems, as well as the ability to flexibly configure data that is displayed in reports. In this section, the functionality of the system for automated download of reports in Excel and CSV format is discussed in detail.

All Reports

The screen is located in “Reports” – “All Reports” section. Mobilum PMS allows to generate the following types of reports:

Transaction Report List of transactions for a specific period of time. This type of report is most suitable in cases where it is necessary to reconcile transactions with the bank.
Merchant Cashflow Report Calculates the turnovers and profits of the merchant date-by-date.
Performance report Calculates the quantity and total volume of approved and declined transactions, reversals, chargebacks, , transactions to which the fraud marker was applied, and the percentage of all unsuccessful financial transactions (declined, reversal, chargeback, fraud) in relation to approved transactions.
Merchant Daily Performance Report This report allows to generate a summary date-by-date list of transactions with the following types: sale, reversal and chargeback.
Decline Statistics Displays statistics on rejected transactions, divided into the following groups: rejected by the acquiring banks, rejected by Mobilum internal fraud system and rejected due to various errors in processing, should this occur.
1) Transaction Report
This report contains the list of transactions for the specified time period. To download the necessary data, the following criteria are used: dates, date type, transaction types, change status, transaction id, recurrent filter, time zone, CSV encoding. Additional criteria can be added by pressing the Criteria button: order status, currency, endpoints, projects.
The maximum download period for report is 93 days, if data download for six months or more required, divide the required period into parts.
Customizable search criteria can be saved as a template for future use:
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To change the template, use the template management tool:

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Select criteria for this report in the following pop-up window:

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After selecting the necessary parameters, enter name for the template and click on Save button. To download the report, click on the CSV button.
Example of the resulting table is shown below:
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2) Merchant Cashflow Report
This report calculates transaction turnovers: sale, chargeback, and reversed funds. It shows the distribution of turnover with commissions and the approximate profit for the selected period, as well as day-by-day earnings. To download the necessary data, the following criteria are used: dates, project, currencies.
If needed, additional criteria can be added by clicking on Criteria button: endpoints, projects.
Customizable search criteria can be saved as a template for future use:
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Data can be downloaded by pressing the Generate button.
An example of the resulting report is shown below:
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3) Performance report
This report displays the financial flow for the specified period. It also allows to view the number of successful and unsuccessful transactions. Flexible criteria setting allows to get the needed data: date range and type, currencies, card types, grouping of data. If needed, additional criteria can be added by clicking on Criteria button: specified endpoints and projects.
Customizable search criteria can be saved as a template for future use:
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Preview of the report can be viewed by clicking on the Preview button.
The Report can be generated by clicking on the the Generate button.
An example of the resulting report is shown below:
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4) Merchant Daily Performance Report
This report displays the day-by-day financial flow for a given period.
To upload the necessary data, the following criteria are used: dates, projects, currencies, card types. If needed, additional criteria can be added by clicking on Criteria button: specified endpoints and projects.
Customizable search criteria can be saved as a template for future use:
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The report can be downloaded by pressing the Generate button.
An example of the resulting report is shown below:
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5) Decline Statistics
This report allows to get statistics on rejected transactions, which are divided into the following groups: rejected by the acquiring bank, rejected by internal fraud system and rejected due to an internal error.
To download the necessary data, the following criteria are used: date range and card types. If needed, additional criteria can be added by clicking on the Criteria button: specified endpoints and projects.
Customizable search criteria can be saved as a template for future use:
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Preview of this report can be viewed by clicking on the Preview button. The Report can be generated by clicking on the the Generate button.


Integration Panel

The screen is located in “Tools” – “Integration Panel” section. The Integration Panel displays requests sent to the system and system responses to these requests, as well as information about possible errors in the requests. This allows to quickly eliminate errors during integration. The panel also helps to view initiating requests for which, as a result of the error, orders were not created.

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The following search criteria are available in Integration Panel:

  • by EndPoint ID, to which the request was sent,
  • by order ID, assigned to transaction by Mobilum system,
  • by serial number of request and response.

Date range can also be specified for the search.

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Customizable search criteria can be saved as a template for future use:
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Batch operations

The screen is located in “Tools” – “Batch operations” section. Batch operations is the set of tools that allows to process multiple operations through the user interface of the system.

Resend callbacks

This batch operation can be useful if information on the final status of transactions is available in Mobilum system and for some reason is not available in the merchant system. Collect the order IDs, assigned by Mobilum system to the CSV file and upload it to send new callback notifications. An example of CSV file for upload is available on the same screen.

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The screen is located in “Tools” – “Tasks” section. This section displays information about various errors that usually require quick response, as well as the options to subscribe for notifications about any errors via Telegram or Email. Phone number and e-mail address are taken from the personal account of the merchant.

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Perilous Decline

Perilous declines are essential for receiving notifications regarding the initial error identified in the list.
To create a list of errors for alerts, one can utilize the Processor Error Codes screen.

perilous decline

Disabled Scheduled Adjustments

Disabled scheduled adjustments is necessary to receive notifications when automatic adjustments are disabled due to a negative balance or merchant deactivation.

disabled scheduled adjustments



Configuration of projects and endpoints can be made in “Settings” – “Configuration”.


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This screen allows to view all projects created in the system. In case of a large number of projects, it may be helpful to use the search:

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Customizable search criteria can be saved as a template for future use:
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To monitor the project activity, key performance indicators (KPI) are used, such as: Merchant earnings, Average order value, and others. The KPI submenu opens by pressing the Detailed button. Details about KPIs detailed view can be found in the corresponding section.
Click on the project name to open detailed information about this project.
Common tab allows to see the project characteristics and endpoints associated with it.
Message templates allow users to send SMS messages when they commit a transaction. Templates are created using the Template button. After pressing it, a window with new template details will open:
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The created template will appear in the list:

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g SMS sending is enabled.
h SMS sending is disabled.


This section contains all endpoints created for the merchant in the system:

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g The endpoint is enabled.
h The endpoint is disabled.
In case of a large amount of endpoints, search can be used:
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Customizable search criteria can be saved as a template for future use:
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In order to monitor endpoint activity, key performance indicators (KPI) are used, such as merchant earnings and others.
The KPI submenu opens by pressing the Detailed button. Details about KPIs detailed view can be found in the corresponding section.
Click on the endpoint name to open the detailed information about this endpoint.
It is important to note that the endpoint settings override the project settings.
The Edit button allows to edit the information about the endpoint and change settings, for example, change the display name, add a description, and also add API URLs for a mobile application.
The Clone button allows to create a copy of the viewed endpoint with the same settings.
To view the filters configured on the endpoint, use the Fraud protection filters tab. Full details on Fraud protection filters can be found in the corresponding section.
On the Message templates tab, it is possible to set up sending SMS or email messages after completing a transaction. Templates are created using the Template button. Example of filling the form:
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Example of a message template in the form:

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g SMS sending is enabled.
h SMS sending is disabled.


Creating new accounts to access the system is available for merchants in “Settings” – “Employees”.
The Employees tab contains a list of all employees accounts, established in the system for the merchant.
New employee account can be created with the Add User button. The following form must be filled:
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Scope username should be clicked in order to open the drop-down menu and select main account of the merchant:

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Next, select one of available employee roles in the system:

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Roles are formed to provide only the needed access and possible actions for different departments: for example, customer support staff (the merchant-client-support role) can make local changes, but not global ones, like blacklisting the cards. At the same time, for example, the financial department staff (the role of merchant-finance) needs full access to reports and transactions, but does not need access to make any changes in project configuration. The role of merchant-support provides the widest functionality, similar to functionality of the main merchant account. The role of merchant-support-readonly has the same information scope in the system, but it does not allow blacklists management and configuration access. There is also a specifically designed role for employees who process transactions through a virtual terminal (VT). Full information on various employee roles access can be found in User privileges. Ask the Mobilum support manager to find the most suitable roles for specific cases or get a complete list of the roles functionality. After the personal account is created, an employee can immediately log in. Login and password are generated at the stage of creating a personal account (do not forget to save the password beforehand). If the password was not saved, it can be reset on employee details screen.

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When employee logs in to the account for the first time, the system asks to change the temporary password to a permanent one:

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The created account will be visible on the page in the list of employees:

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i The employee account is enabled.
j The employee account is disabled.

Click on the employee’s name to open the account details, which can be changed by clicking on the Edit button.
The reset button under the user’s login is used to reset the user’s password. The system will generate a new one-time password, which should be provided to the employee. The employee then will have to change the temporary password to the permanent one on the next login to the system.
The search string allows to quickly find the necessary employee by ID, name, login or email:
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Customizable search criteria can be saved as a template for future use:
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Additional screens

Transaction markers

The screen is located in the “Tools” - “Transaction markers” section. This screen is in development at the moment.

Mobile readers

The screen is located in the “Tools” - “Mobile readers” section. This section displays merchant’s mPOS mobile readers.

Master endpoints

Master endpoint allows merchants to design a cashier form with various payment methods. It also allows to configure display of different payment methods based on country. Detailed information about master endpoints can be found in the corresponding section: Parallel form integration.

Endpoint groups

This screen allows to view configured endpoint groups. Endpoint group is an entity that combines several endpoints with different currencies. The endpoint group simplifies the integration of a merchant business to Mobilum HSS when working with various types of currencies.

Login with OTP

IF OTP (One Time Password) is enabled, an email will be sent to all users with a one-time link to create a second authentication factor.

An example of this letter:

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Inside there is a link, by clicking on which the QR code and the secret key will be available:

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To calculate the second factor, scan the QR code or enter the secret key in any available application that supports HOTP (Google Authenticator, Protectimus Smart OTP, Free OTP Authenticator and others):

appexample merchant_faq

If one-time password authentication is enabled for login, enter this password when logging in. Detailed information on working with OTP is available on the link. When logging into the system, specify a username, password and generated code from the application (each time log into the system, will need to enter a new code from the application):

loginexample merchant_faq